Check Mailers

check mailers sample
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The most difficult thing in today’s marketplace can be getting the attention of your customers and prospective customers. People are bombarded with advertising and generally ignore most of what they see.

Wilson Printing USA offers a turnkey program that cuts through the clutter and gets noticed. This program is our Promotional Check Mailers.

This mail piece comes in the mail in a brown kraft window envelope with a check visible in it. The brown Kraft envelope looks official and gets opened.

This idea has been around for a long time but we have put a new twist on it. The check is at the top of a sales letter explaining how they can use the check.

Depending on the offer inside and the letter it is not uncommon for our clients to get a 1% to 5% response with check mailers.

There are four basic rules of thumb for getting results from direct mail advertising, they are:

  1. It must get noticed.
  2. It must create interest.
  3. It must build desire.
  4. It must invite action.

The envelope and check accomplish step one and two above. The letter and your offer accomplish steps three and four.

Wilson Printing USA can help you identify your best prospects with a targeted mailing list, help you to come up with a good sales letter builds interest and invites action.

Call your Wilson Printing USA marketing consultant for more information on this effecting marketing tool.

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