How To Create An Effective Brochure

‐ December 31, 2013

One of the most effective tools in your marketing arsenal is a brochure. Brochures can be printed in full color or simply one or two colors. Today, with the advent of digital printing, low run four-color brochures are very affordable. Brochures can be designed as a self-mailer. The biggest benefit of a brochure for direct mailing is that you have more organized space than with a postcard.

Find Out How You Can Create An Effective Business Brochure, Click Here.

With most things in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to create a brochure. The following will give you the guidelines and help you avoid common errors in brochure design. Our goal is to help you create an effective brochure for your business.

Brochures are an effective way to educate and inform prospects about a business and its products and services. Then why do 75% of businesses not have this simplest form and highly effective form of marketing?

There are several reasons why but the main reasons boil down to having no time and no direction. Busy business owners and managers simply do not know where to start and do not have the time to think about it. Sound familiar?

As a tool, a brochure can be used to help move your prospect through the sales process to arrive at a decision. If you do not have a brochure and would like one, the following is information that will help you get the most out of your brochure.

There is no such thing as an all-purpose brochure. You must target your audience and decide on the specific message you want to send. A broadly focused brochure appeals to no one and rarely stirs any kind of response or interest.

When several brochures are used for an organization, they should be designed to have a similar “look.” This includes similar type styles and sizes, as well as a common design. Margins, graphs and borders should be consistent.

The Process Of Creating Your Brochure

Brochure development follows four stages:

  • Plan
  • Write
  • Design
  • Print

Want To See Brochure Samples? Click Here.

Plan In Advance. Brochures are not a simple task. You need on average at least a month to produce a brochure if you hire outside resources. This timing can be compressed, but plan on paying for it. Following are some development and production rules-of-thumb to consider:

Writer 3 to 7 days

Designer 7 to 14 days

Printer 3 to 5 days

Decide what the purpose of your brochure is. Some examples might be:

  • I want to inform prospects about the full range of my services to gain additional sales.
  • I want to educate prospects about my cutting edge technology.
  • I want to persuade prospects to change their brand loyalty to my firm.
  • I want to sell an overstocked item.
  • I want to position my company against my competition.
  • I want a tool that will help my sales team close prospects.

Choose Your Target Market. Who are the potential buyers for your product or service? These customers will have certain distinguishing characteristics that identify them as prospective customers. Beware of targeting too broad a market. If your potential bigstock-Targeting-A-Group-Of-People-4065014customers have several distinguishing characteristics, try dividing them into (market) segments. That way you’ll only consider one group of customers at a time. Different groups may require different messages. If you develop too broad a message, it may not attract any prospective customers.

Do Some Free And Simple Research. As time permits, save as many brochures as you can, even the awful ones. See what you have to compete against? After you have accumulated an impressive pile, separate the brochures into two piles, good and bad. Incorporate the good characteristics into your brochure, and beware of the bad.

Develop Your Budget. Decide what you can spend and apportion it accordingly into writing, designing and printing. Also, don’t forget your distribution costs! If you are using outside resources, independent writers and designers can be hired for $35 to $75 per hour. Wilson Printing charges an affordable flat fee for designing brochures.

We have some of the lowest prices on printing brochure you will find. Our graphic designers can take your concept to reality. Call us to get the process started 727-536-4173.

Mark Hale


High Quality
Printing And Design

Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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