How To Build A Fool Proof Dental Marketing Plan

‐ January 11, 2016

When you started your dental practice you were aware that you needed new patients. You may have also had the idea that it might take a while to build the dental practice of your dreams. No matter how big you want to make your practice, your continued success depends on two things: 1) the quality and caliber of your employees, and 2) the quality and consistency of your dental marketing plan for your practice.

Fool Proof Dental Marketing Plan

The idea that building something takes a long time is false. It takes as long as you want it to take. Bringing in new patients is vital and of course there are many ways you can market your dental practice. To be honest with you, all the ways you have to market your practice work to varying degrees.

The best dental marketing vehicle would give you:

  • Easy to use.
  • Easy to target whom you want to reach.
  • Gives you the ability to consistently reach your target patients.
  • Has the least amount of vias to get your message directly to your target new patient.
  • Is easily trackable.
  • Is affordable. Affordable is really a relative term, because it does not matter what you pay to advertise your dental practice if it works. Some of the cheapest forms of advertising can be the biggest waste of money.

For the money, direct mail postcards for dental practices are usually the best for the above reasons. Still any marketing plan you create should be a multimedia approach. The basic rule of thumb is you have three streams for patient acquisition. These streams can be from traditional media or from digital sources. The only caution is to not put everything you do into a digital media, for example email marketing. The reason is with email advertising you have spam blocks and screens in getting your message to your prospect. Also you are limited by the list you have. With direct mail there are no spam filters for you to get through or virus threat concerns, only your postcard in the hands of your prospect.

Effective means to a dental marketing plan are:

  • Direct mail
  • Website
  • Email blasts
  • Pay per click ads, with Google remarketing.
  • A patient referral program. Your existing patients can be a very good source of new patients.
  • A dedicated patient recovery person who calls and mails a note card with a coupon, inviting the patient to come back.

Direct Mail for Your Dental Practice.

It is proven to generate substantial returns on your investment. It is easily trackable. It puts your message directly in the hands of your prospect.

You may have tried direct mail in the past. You may have gotten mixed results. The reason for that is that there are basic tried and true rules for designing a dental postcard mailer, in which if you did not design your postcard with these rules in mind, the postcard will not pull the response you want and are looking for. The mailing list you use will also have a lot to do with the results you get. If you use a company like ours, you can get the best design and the best mailing list and in return you will get a good return on your investment.

Click Here For Pricing On a Dental Direct Mail Program

A Note On Mailing Lists

You can cast your dental marketing net to reach potential new patients within a 3 to 5 mile radius of your practice. If you have a pediatric practice, you can target households with children. You can target new movers to your area. You can target people who are older or younger. People who have interest in cosmetic or reconstructive procedures. You can target people who have dental insurance. If you can name who you want to reach, we can build a list of potential prospects.

What Are The Returns I Can Expect From My Dental Direct Mailer?

A basic essential for developing a dental marketing plan for your practice is to know how much an average new patient is worth to your practice a year. How many years does and average patient stay with you? This information will allow you to set realistic returns on your advertising investment.

Click Here to Find Out Your Patient Lifetime Value

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to advertising you are buying new business through your advertising. To look at it any other way is short sighted and will lead to failure. Knowing what an average patient is worth will give you the information to make a decision on how much you can spend to get a new patient.

Whatever and however you decide to market your dental practice, make a plan and stick to it, be consistent and repetitious. It usually takes a person seeing your message three or four times before you get them interested.

Being consistent in your marketing is one of the keys to your success for the simple reason that there is no way you can to tell how many people will be in the market for your services at any given time. Over the course of three to six months many, many, many people in your area will have a need for your services, but if they are not at least aware of you, they will go to your competition.

I hope this information helped you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 727-536-4173.

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