The Missing Link: Reach More Customers with LeadRX

‐ April 17, 2024

In the digital age, as a business owner or a manager, you are constantly seeking innovative ways to get more responses from your advertising without spending a lot more money.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to get more people reaching out to you from your website. The fact is the majority of the response you are getting from the money you spend on advertising is going to your website.

96% to 99% of the traffic to the average website will leave that website without taking any further action.  

Have you ever calculated the dollar amount of business you are losing from your website?  Even if you were able to sell just 2% to 3% more of the visitors to your website that could be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, in sales depending on what your company sells. 

Understanding the Challenge

  1. Anonymous Online Visitors

Anonymous online visitors are individuals who interact with your website without revealing their identity. They may browse your products, services, or content, but they do not subscribe, fill out a contact form, or make purchases. The point here is that there is some sort of interest in what you sell. They are shopping and just researching.

In the vast digital landscape, it’s challenging to identify and reach out to these potential leads but there actually is a way. Read on.

  1. Limitations of Online Marketing

The first step in marketing your business is to drive traffic to your website. Today almost 100% of all purchases start with an online search.

Online marketing strategies, including SEO, social media, and email campaigns are a start but due to the highly competitive environment online and limited resources, most small- to medium-sized businesses find it almost impossible to compete online.

This leaves the need to find a marketing technique that reaches targeted customers, limits competitive distractions, and offers the ability to identify online traffic so you can follow up more easily. 

The Solution: LeadRX.

  1. What is LeadRX?

LeadRX is a cutting-edge marketing technology designed to bridge the gap between your online and offline marketing efforts. It enables you to reach a targeted audience online and with a direct mail piece. By combining the precision of digital marketing with the tangibility of direct mail, LeadRX opens new avenues for engagement.

  1. How LeadRX Works

LeadRX uses a multi-step process to identify, segment, and target potential new customers.

Here’s How It Works

a. Data Analysis: by using A.I. and advanced algorithms, LeadRX analyzes visitor behavior to identify potential leads and sends marketing messages to them across the major marketing platforms on all their devices. 

b. Postcard follow-up: LeadRX automates follow-up to anonymous website traffic with the creation of highly personalized postcards and relevant offers and messaging which are mailed to people who visit your website.

Benefits of Using LeadRX

a. Targeted Outreach: LeadRX uses direct mail, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Gmail advertising to drive prospective new customers to call you or go to your website. Reaching people that are either in the market to buy what you have to sell, or get them interested in your product or service for future sales.

b. LeadRX uses built-in follow-up, saving you time, and money, and helps convert visitors into buyers.

c. LeadRX seamlessly combines tangible direct mail with a digital presence giving you the exposure to compete in a very noisy marketplace.

d. LeadRX is turnkey which means you do not need a degree in computer science or marketing to be able to understand and use it. LeadRX is easy, affordable, and effective.


In the age of digital marketing, our LeadRX program offers a unique and effective way to connect with your ideal potential new customer. By combining the power of online tracking, data analysis, and direct mail, businesses can engage potential leads that were once elusive. Reaching out to this untapped audience can lead to increased conversion rates and ultimately boost your business’s success.

By leveraging the capabilities of LeadRX, your business can bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds, providing a personalized and tangible experience for anonymous online visitors. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, innovative solutions like LeadRX are essential for staying ahead in the world of marketing.

For more information, please give us a call at 727-536-4173, or click here.

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Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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