Patient Reactivation Program for Chiropractors

‐ October 7, 2014

Most chiropractic offices have a gold mine in their old patient lists. Inactive patients are patients that have not been in to see you in several months or years. It can be for a variety of reasons—they got better, they moved away or they got a new job and are seeing a chiropractor down the street from their new work.

How many inactive patients do you have in your database? What would happen to your practice if you

Patient Reactivation Programwere able to reactivate 10% or 20% of your old patients?

Reactivating old patients is as simple as getting in touch with them and giving them a reason to come back in to see you. You have to be consistent with it if you want to maximize your returns.

We have developed a patient reactivation program that is simple to implement, very effective and is affordable.

The program revolves around the holidays. The big one is Christmas, but you also have New Years, Valentines Day, 4th of July, Back to School Month or Labor Day.

The program is as simple as mailing a holiday card and including a coupon card.

The reason they work so well is two reasons, timing and the offer. Christmas for example, everyone expects Christmas or Holiday cards. They have a very high open rate for direct mail. The only difference is we also include a 3 x 5 coupon card that contains a special offer to get them back in.Slide8

The second part of the patient reactivation involves having a referral program in place. One of the fastest ways you can double your patient visits is by patient referrals.

You provide excellent care for your patients. They get better. They get excited and want to tell people they know about this great doctor they are seeing. The key to getting more patient referrals is putting something in the hands of your patients to give friends or family members. Our specially designed Care Enough To Share cards do just that. The cards have a first visit special on them and directions to your office for the potential new patient.

Is all of this worthwhile? Only you can answer that. You know what an average patient is worth to your practice. The cost of the program is nominal and my guess is you will not need to reactivate very many inactive patients to make it worthwhile.

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