What is a Legal Practice Portfolio?

‐ March 18, 2015

What is a Legal Practice Portfolio?What is the biggest challenge you have as a Lawyer? Is it winning a case? Or is it getting the new client to represent?

There is a balance between time spent on casework and time spent acquiring new clients to represent. As I am sure you understand, if you want to grow your practice both of these things are vital.

I want to share with you a tool that will save you time on the front end of getting new clients. That tool is a Legal Practice Portfolio.

For most attorneys, winning the case is important, but before you can win a case and get a judgment, you have to find and sign up a new client. Acquiring new clients can be time consuming and expensive. First, you have to find someone who needs your service; then, you have to educate them about your firm, your services and how you can help them; and lastly, sign them up as a client.

The cornerstone of signing new clients is trust. Trust is purely based on emotion. A new client has to trust that you can do what you say you can do before they will sign with your firm.

As an attorney, as I am sure you are very aware that you have more direct competition than almost any other business type. Because of this, people are skeptical and are concerned about getting the best representation. The printed materials you give your prospective clients will either contribute to building trust or tear it down.

A Legal Practice Portfolio will help you build trust by enlightening your prospective new client on your areas of expertise. It will also save you time in the process. And best of all a Legal Practice Portfolio is very affordable.

What Should You Include in Your Legal Practice Portfolio?

  • Inside the Legal Practice Portfolio, there is usually a bio of the attorney or attorneys.
  • A section on the areas of practice specialty.
  • Any awards or recognition you may have received.
  • It is also a good idea to have a commonly asked question section as well. This will save you time in answering questions and also will allow you to educate your prospective clients.
  • You should also have a section with some of the verdicts you have won.

It does not cost a lot of money to have nice and professionally designed and printed Legal Practice Portfolios. If you want to expand your practice a Legal Practice Portfolio is a vital part of the tools you have at your disposal.

  • Do you want a tool that will help you take your practice to the next level?
  • Do you want a way to close more new clients on your service?
  • Do you need a tool that will save your time educating prospective new clients?
  • Do you want a way to stand apart from your competition?

A Legal Practice Portfolio will help you do all of the above. We have a team of graphic artists who will help you develop the look and feel that represents you and your firm. Our state-of-the-art printing facility will help print the highest quality. Get started today – call Wilson Printing USA.

Click Here to Get a Free Sample of a Practice Portfolio

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