What Do I Put in a New Customer Welcome Pack?

‐ March 3, 2015

Depending on the value and the opportunity for repeat or ongoing service your “Welcome Pack” can be a great way to build a new client relationship.

In life sometimes it’s the simple things that can make a difference. A “Welcome Pack” can say something very specific about you and the type of relationship that you want to establish and maintain with your clients.

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Welcome Packs for Businesses

What Are the Benefits of Customer Welcome Packs?

The benefits of giving a Welcome Pack to a new client include:
• Creating a positive first impression for the customer in a way that helps manage a good perception of your business.
• Provides a mechanism to cross promote other services.
• Gives you a way of presenting useful information to them that they can store in a convenient and accessible way (including your terms and conditions, etc.)
• Depending on the contents of your Welcome Pack, they give you a way of keeping your company name “front-of-mind”.
• Welcome Packs can also help to differentiate you from your competition.
• A Welcome Pack can be an inexpensive and practical way to help start a new client relationship.

What is a New Customer Welcome Pack?

A New Customer Welcome Kit can be many things. It can be as simple as a tabbed presentation file folder with flyers and other relevant information. On a more extravagant scale they can include gadgets, trinkets, note pads and pens as well as other relevant information.

New Customer Welcome Packs help you to build your company brand with a new customer. The important thing is that your New Customer Welcome Pack communicates something about the nature of the relationship that you want to establish with the customer and is aligned with any of your key values—such as “high quality” for example.

Need Pricing For Your Welcome Pack?

As a point on quality, I have seen a business that is selling a quality product that wants to be known as the quality provider in their industry, but they will include a cheap pen or other cheap gadgets in their welcome packs. What does a cheap pen communicate about that business? If you include gadgets and trinkets in your Welcome Packs, you have to invest a little money to get a little better quality.

After spending a little time thinking about what image they wanted to build about their business, this business finally came up with a Welcome Kit that consisted of the following:
• A high quality, leather-look zip folder that is branded on the outside with their company logo and contains a branded notepad with a space to hold business cards and a pen.
• A flash drive with their logo on it, which also had their terms and conditions and a few other relevant documents pre-loaded on it.
• A stainless steel clock and barometer that was branded with their logo.

Obviously this company was selling a larger ticket item and it made sense to spend a little more money on premium items for their Welcome Pack. Your New Customer Welcome Pack does not need to be as extravagant as the example company mentioned above. With any New Customer Welcome Pack you would want to include branded items that will give the customer something that they can use and see on a regular basis.

How Much Should I Spend on a New Customer Welcome Kit?

A good rule of thumb is you should invest 7% – 10% of the value of first year’s revenue you would receive from that new customer. Depending on your circumstances (in terms of the relationship, the product or service and the life time value of a new customer) you might choose to spend more or less than this.

We can help you put together the right combination of materials, gadgets and trinkets that make sense for your business and your budget.

Looking For More Information on Creating a Custom Welcome Pack For Your Business?

Fill out the form below and one of our marketing consultants will contact you shortly. (Note: we will never sell or distribute your information)

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Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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