Going Paperless, Is It Effective or Worthless?

‐ February 4, 2014


There is no doubt that the Internet has changed the way most businesses do business. It has never been easier to send customers and prospect information and to receive information. One look in your email inbox will tell you this is true.

What has not changed is the need to stand out, get noticed and make an impression. The more electronic focused we get the more effective hard printed materials are. The reason is people still like to hold on to and feel things; tactile is very important in the sales cycle.

There are effective printed materials and ineffective printed materials just like anything else. Do your materials portray a professional image? How does your materials look compared to your competition? There is no need for your materials not to look like a million dollars.

Here are five products to help you portray a professional image:

1. Custom pocket presentation folders with customized insert sales literature will help to build awareness and increase sales based on the customer’s interests and needs. Pocket folders serve a purpose to keep your materials together. Please note that this does not mean going to Office Depot and buying colored folders then printing a label off on your office printer and sticking it on the folder you bought at Office Depot. That generally looks cheap. The prices on custom printed pocket folders have come way down and there is no reason not to have them. Especially if one or two new customers sold, that would pay the cost of the folders.

2. Tabbed presentation file folders are a cousin to the pocket folder, but instead they don’t have pockets. They keep all your materials together and fit easily into a file drawer.

3. Business cards are a standard in the business world. Increase memorability by including your professional photo, offering a folded or tear-away card, or even using a die-cut shape.

4. Envelopes are a popular way to reinforce your logo and marketing message.

5. Newsletters used to be very popular, but today many people have moved to sending email newsletters. This is OK but still not as effective as sending your newsletter printed on paper.

6. Statement stuffers are printed promotions that can be easily slipped into monthly statements without adding additional postage fees or the hassle of a separate mailing.

7. Thank-you cards are a classy touch for any industry and are one of the easiest yet most overlooked ways to show sincerity and appreciation.

Click Here for Pricing

Our team can help you by designing an image package that is effective and ties everything together.

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High Quality
Printing And Design

Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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