How To Build a Customer Loyalty With Business Birthday Cards

‐ May 22, 2019

Fact 1: Absolutely everyone has a Birthday!

Fact 2: Your Birthday is a special day!

Fact 3: Using Birthday Cards as a marketing tool makes sense for most businesses.

How To Build a Customer Loyalty With Business Birthday Cards

Birthdays, even more than any other holiday, are more special and are more looked forward to, (up to about 40 then you stop counting). Some people even stretch their Birthdays out for a week – turning it into a “Festival of ME!! You can’t spell awesome without ME!”

As a marketer, Birthday’s present a golden opportunity to build customer loyalty and to get new business.

Two Ways To Use Business Birthday Cards For Your Business:

1) Send Your Existing Customers A Birthday Card. This entails getting the birthdates of your existing customers and sending them a Birthday Greeting. The question is, do you send a Birthday email or a physical Birthday card in the mail?

  • Emailed Birthday greetings are better than nothing, but are often lost in a sea of Spam and other Birthday messages and lack a personal touch and meaningful impact.
  • Let’s talk about a mailed Birthday card…they are very personal, have an impact, and gets you noticed. Sure it costs more money for you in postage and the printing of the Birthday card, but your customers see that too and they feel special.

2) Mail Prospects In Your Area A Birthday Card. Wilson Print Marketing USA can help your business get a mailing list of your ideal prospects and potential new customers with their Birthdays. Each month you will mail a card to the people who are having a Birthday that month.

  • Include in the Birthday card a special offer, giving the prospective new customer a reason to call and do business with you for their Birthday. Mailing a Birthday card is an effective way to create new customers for your business.

Ideas for Business Birthday Card Incentives…

When you send out business Birthday cards, sure you want to make the person feel special on their Birthday, but it would also be nice to drive some sales back in your door.

The following are some ideas to help you drive sales back to you with a Birthday Card mailer:

  • A Birthday discount coupon, 10% off, or a free service. Something of perceived value to your customer or prospect. Put an expiration date on the coupon (the idea is to drive traffic and sales now).
  • If you have a type of business that it’s difficult to offer a discount, you can send the person a gift certificate or a Starbucks Gift Card. A recent survey by the National Restaurant Association found that Birthdays are the MOST popular occasion to dine out, with 7 out of every 10 visiting restaurants to celebrate Birthdays, whether it is their Birthday or someone else’s. Birthday marketing for business is a proven and effective means to get noticed and drive customers in your door.

The biggest reason why businesses fail to send out Birthday cards is simply the time it takes to do it. There are companies that will mail cards out for you each month. Wilson Print Marketing also offers that service in addition to designing a custom Birthday card that is unique and builds your brand.

If you would like more information about how your company can send out Business Birthday cards or you would like a free list count of potential new customers in your area and their Birthdays, fill out the form below and one of our Marketing Consultants will contact you:

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