Direct Mail With a Very High Open Rate

‐ December 27, 2013


What type of direct mail gets a 99.9% open rate? Christmas and holiday cards do.  The fact is that 99.9% of Holiday cards get opened and looked at. These cards present a tremendous opportunity for you to influence your business’s sales, especially with the twist to it that I am proposing to you.

How? What I am proposing that you look at is this.  Including a 3 x 5 promotional insert card with a special offer that is inserted inside of the Holiday Card. I can hear some of you. You are saying to yourself, ” Mark, that is a totally tacky idea. You are just trying to hock direct mail to me again.” Well you might be right! One thing is for sure, the idea is out-of-the-box of traditional thinking. (And direct mail still offers the best bang for your advertising buck.) Besides it fits, can you think of a more tacky time of the year than right after Thanksgiving to December 31st ? Besides, if the insert card is designed properly with taste, it won’t be tacky and it will drive sales to your business. This idea puts an incentive in your client or prospects hands that gives them a reason to do business with you. It is kind of like killing two birds with one stone. You get the public relations benefit of sending out a holiday card and a sales bump by including a promotional offer.

Click Here To See Holiday Card Samples

Christmas and holiday cards are the perfect form of marketing because they get noticed, they do get opened and they hang  around for several weeks (usually stuck to a door frame). Most companies do not take full advantage of the marketing opportunity that sending Christmas and holiday cards presents. They only send cards to existing customers but forget that sending out the cards does present an opportunity to create new customers too. This promotion is inexpensive to do and now is the time to do it. You should plan on mailing your card around the 2nd week of November so that it gets there right after Thanksgiving, just in time to affect your December (and January) sales. The fact is for most businesses, the holiday season brings the biggest sales opportunity of the year to increase sales and the biggest opportunity as a catapult for kicking off January’s sales.

If you are thinking things have been too slow to send out Christmas and holiday cards and you are going to cut back to save money, I urge you to re-look at that consideration because it will put you in a box that is very hard to get out of. The box is called “the waiting to see what happens” box. This attitude of “waiting to see” will kill any chance your business has to grow and will eventually kill your business. Why, because when you wait you are not doing anything that will help handle your situation. You make your own destiny and can create your own success. In this economy you cannot afford to take a wait and see attitude about your sales.

We have several stock designs you can use or we can design something totally custom and personalized for you. I would be happy to brain storm some ideas for statement stuffers you can use with your Christmas and holiday card.

If we can help you, please give me a call.

Mark Hale



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