Drive Interested Prospects to Your Business Daily for Pennies

‐ April 26, 2021

No doubt about it, we are living in a digital age. Never has it been easier and faster for prospects to research, shop, and buy.

I’m not telling you anything you don’t know. But do you know how to maximize technology to generate more sales for your business?

So the big question for my small business owners is: Is throwing up a website enough technology to generate sales for your business? This is okay and is a good start, but it alone is not enough to generate quality leads in this digital era we live in.

Once upon a time, not too long ago, it used to be that a website was a sort of online brochure or business card that you sort of threw up with a few keywords built-in and that was enough for any small business. This was fine when there was not much traffic on the Internet and your competition was limited.

Then one day, some guy in Silicon Valley thought what if we could make a phone smarter?  And boom, the first smartphones came out and people loved them. Then a few years later Wi-Fi was put everywhere. Now it has become so easy to go online.

Today 98% of people will research online before buying a product or service from a company. The bigger the ticket item, the longer they will research and shop.

You have a website for your business. So all should be good, right? Wrong.

First things first, you have to get traffic to your website. Then you have to convert visitors by getting them to fill out a form or download something.

According to Google, 96% of traffic to the average website leaves without taking further action. (On some websites it is closer to 99.99% of people leave without taking further action.)

How many leads have you gotten from your website this week, this month, this year?  If the answer is “not many” you are missing some marketing points.

Are You Missing These Key Points?

Point 1: You have to get people to your website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps but it still relies on chance. There is no business in existence today that does not have 100x more competition than it did just 10 years ago. So SEO by itself is not enough.

Your competition is a lot better organized and has more funding for competing on the Internet.

So what do you do?  Hire some 20-something-year-old to run some Google ads or Facebook ads? It’s better than nothing but you will probably spend a lot of money and not get much business, especially if your website is not designed to convert traffic to leads and customers.

Point 2: The best way today to create traffic and sales is Direct Mail.  Direct mail is the only form of advertising where you can reach 100% of your best prospects with limited competition.

You might say, I’m not interested, postage is too expensive.

If you are running Google PPC ads, depending on the industry you are in, you are going to pay anywhere from $2.50 on the low end, to $50 – $60 per click on your ad.  A click does not mean anything unless you get a new customer.

Unless you know what you are doing you might even have a lot of people clicking on your ad who are not qualified or are looking for something you do not even offer.

Or on the flip side, you can get a mailing list of the exact people that you want to do business with and the United States Post Office will deliver into their hot little hands a targeted mailer from your business for only about 35 – 40 cents.

They are going to see your message. They are going to hold your message. Now what they do after this is going to be one of three things:

ONE: They are going to throw your mailer in the trash because they are not in the market or because your message did not generate interest in what you sell.

TWO: If your message piques their interest, 98% are going to Google your business, read your reviews, and check out your business on the Internet.

If your website is confusing, difficult to navigate, or not set up to convert the traffic to leads, then you are not going to get a lead. They will go to the next business (your competitor) that pops up on Google Search when they type your name into the browser.

We help small businesses by building websites that convert more visitors to customers. We also have methods we use to identify and follow prospects who have been on your website after they visit your site. (It is part of our LeadRX program.)

THREE: Being so interested and inspired the prospect picks up the phone and calls you. This is usually a very low percentage at first.

Remember you have piqued their interest. They are not ready to buy or talk to someone. They are researching. How long they research and shop depends on how big the ticket item or commitment is.

Convert Visitors Into Leads

The point I want to make is that if someone is on your website today THEY HAVE SOME INTEREST, NEED, OR QUESTION. They are a prospect. You are losing business if you do not have the tools in place to convert that interested person to a bona fide lead.

Most businesses spend a lot of money marketing but will lose their hottest prospects because they do not have a way to follow up with and market to these hot prospects.

LeadRX is a game-changer for a small business. It combines target direct mail, with Google, Facebook, and even YouTube to follow up with your hottest prospects every day – affordably. LeadRX, most importantly, will also identify prospects who are on your website with no form fill-out required.

If you are tired of wasting money on marketing that does not produce, you should schedule a no-obligation demonstration of the LeadRX program.

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Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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