How Will a Company Newsletter Improve Customer Retention
Mark Hale ‐ June 1, 2015
Publishing a company newsletter is a double-edged sword for many businesses people. On one hand, they would love send a company newsletter out to their customers and on the other hand who has time to pull one together, and what about the costs, ugh! Where do I start?
That’s why you hire a guy like me! Studies have shown that a well-written, interesting newsletter establishes credibility as well as being a catalyst for customer retention and improving word of mouth referrals for a business.
Think about it like this, if the only communication your customers get from you is sales literature, postcards or a sales call, wouldn’t you start to feel a little unappreciated.
Where do I start on my company newsletter?
Rule #1: A good newsletter should be 65% – 75% fluff and 15% – 35% product and or technical information.
Rule #2: The product content of a newsletter should to be focused on the interests and needs of the customer and how your product or services make life easier or solves a problem for the customer.
Rule #3: Do not ever talk “at” your reader or over the head of your reader. A newsletter is not a place to show-off how smart you are by using big words or industry specific jargon. If you have to use industry jargon always define your terms and what it means to the reader.
Rule #4: Hire a guy like me to write and pull together the content. You are busy and the money invested will be worth it. Besides, design, editing, printing and publishing is my business.
Rule #5: If you create a newsletter for your business you have to PRINT IT and MAIL IT OUT. I know that should go without saying, but some people today think it is enough to email their newsletter out. This is okay to do, but should not be the entirety of your delivery. The fact today is that most emails are not opened and the ones that are opened tend to be scanned quickly. A printed newsletter, if properly designed will be read and stays around longer. Which means it will help you build your brand more effectively and also sell your products and services better.
How often should you send a newsletter out?
This really depends on your business type and who your customers are. Basic rule is not less than every eight weeks and ideally once a month. The more often you are in front of your customers the better. A newsletter is a nice soft touch, but an intrusive means of getting your message to your customers.
What type of content should a company newsletter have in it?
Here are some tried and true newsletter do’s and don’ts:
People Like:
- Interesting subjects
- Short articles
- Good visuals with lots of graphics
- Easy-to-skim designs
- Bullet point lists
- Content telling how to make money, save time or improve some area of their lives.
- Clear organization of information
- Calendars
- Offers, benefits
People Don’t Like:
- Intimidating pages full of copy with little or no graphic will end up in the trash, quickly.
- Disorganized information and a clutter appearance.
- Long, continuing articles. Always error on the side of brevity.
- Impersonal tone
- Chaotic page design
- Too many pages. Usually a four-page newsletter is a good level.
Click Here for Newsletter Pricing
If you’re looking for unique ideas or expert advice on how to create a newsletter, or simply spice up your current newsletter, call us. Not only can we provide you with inspiring ideas and printed examples, we can also help you create a powerful newsletter that will boost sales and stay within your company’s budget.
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