Are You Underestimating The Power of A Kind Word?

‐ November 11, 2013

Man writing Thank You“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles, and kindnesses, and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort” – Humphrey Davy

Morale in a business can often mean the difference between a thriving company and one that is struggling. How do you build morale and corp de esprit?

Let me ask you this. When is the last time you received recognition for the work you did? Did it make you want to work harder? People will often do more for the simple recognition of a job well done from the boss than anything else. Yet it is one of the most over looked aspects in human relations. When was the last time you told an employee, co-worker or your husband or wife you appreciated them?

To most people someone noticing positively something they did and giving sincere appreciation means more than money. Yet most bosses neglect it or don’t do it at all. They are quick to offer criticism and tell them when they screw up.

I noticed this fact with my children. What I noticed and commented on was strengthened and what I ignored went away. So if I noticed and commented on bad behavior what did I get? More bad behavior. When I caught them doing something right and commented on it, I got more good behavior.

Considering that a little recognition can go a long way, it’s surprising that people don’t give it out more often. It does not cost anything and it has such a positive impact.

Here are five popular excuses for not giving recognition:

  1.  I don’t know how. You don’t need formal training to recognize a job well done.
  2. Just make an honest effort to offer a sincere compliment or show your appreciation.
  3. I don’t have time. How much time does it really take to say, “you did a great job” or “thank you”?
  4. He’s just doing his job. Yes that is true. If he is doing it well why not notice and comment on it.
  5. It’s not my responsibility. Recognition is appreciated from any level and doesn’t have to be given from the top-down. Surely you know how disappointing it feels to have your achievements be overlooked or feel taken for granted.

She will quit working hard if she thinks she’s “made it.” Recognition for a job well done does just the opposite. In fact, it is proven to make people work harder and take greater pride in their work.

Here’s the way I see it: Recognition is just as important away from work. Perhaps your spouse cooked a delicious meal, your child did great on a test, your neighbor planted beautiful flowers in his yard… the list goes on. A little recognition won’t cost you a dime but can have amazing results.

The people you know and come in contact with have several opportunities to hear criticism each and every day, but very few are ever awarded a kind word by someone noticing a job well done.

Make it a personal policy to catch someone doing a good job and comment on it. Better yet do it in writing and send them a note.

Simple note cards can make it easy. You may even go so far as creating Kudos Cards or “that-a-boy” cards. Wilson Printing can help you with the design and we have great pricing on them as well. Our purpose at Wilson Printing is to make you look good.

Have you been underestimating the power of a kind word? Call us we can help 727-536-4173.

Mark Hale

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