Building Trust With Your Online Marketing

‐ June 5, 2017

Building Trust With Your Online MarketingToday, one of, if not THE biggest challenges with online marketing, is creating trust with the prospect. Most inquiries from online marketing are fragile. Prospects from the Internet are wary and need reinforcement that you are who you say you are and will do what you say you will do. The missing ingredient at this point in the business relationship is creditability and trust.

What is the best and fastest way to build and trust? How do you communicate your creditability, expertise and goodwill to prospects online?

There are hundreds of websites and social media platforms in which you can participate to help build creditability. Angie’s List for example was created to help trade businesses build creditability. LinkedIn was supposed to be a networking platform for business.

The greatest asset of online marketing is in fact it’s greatest liability. The asset of the Internet, from your prospects point of view, is the vast scoop of places to buy what they need. The flip side of the coin is the vast number of your competitors they can buy from. The liability is anyone with $10 to buy a domain and owns a computer can start a webpage. Your prospect goes online to search for a service, which you provide, and on page one of the search results has 10 choices, not counting the banner ads. Who can he trust? Worse, are any of the search results scams with links once clicked on that will lock up their computer, or embed malware or viruses?

Prospects who come to you from the Internet naturally are skeptical and their reach for your service is fragile. The lead needs to be nurtured and brought along to the point of buying. What is the best way to do this, send them an email follow up? That is ok, but has limited effectiveness, due to spam filters and deliverability issues—email marketing is unreliable.

The most overlooked element to building creditability and nurturing leads along to becoming buying customers for your business is your use of and the quality of your printed marketing materials.

People know that anyone can easily throw up a website, but a business that sends them a follow up piece that is a printed brochure or booklet gains more trust and creditability. Because printed materials are tangible and can be touched and held, they make your business more real.

The additional benefit is that printed marketing materials do tend to hang around a lot longer than digital marketing, which is gone in a wisp.

You need to do as much marketing as you possibly can including digital, social media and online marketing, but do not lose sight of the importance and effectiveness of putting something solid and tangible into the hands of your prospects.

Digital printing has brought the cost of printed marketing materials way down. You can print in lower quantities for lower prices. A professionally design and printed brochure, booklet or catalog will help you sell more prospects. If you have made and are making an investment in having sales people, then it is even more vital for you to have professionally designed and printed marketing materials for closing tools and leave behinds.

The second recommendation I can make is to work with a company like Wilson Print Marketing. We will take your ideas and turn them into highly effective promotional materials. There is tech to it. We have the tools and know how.

High Quality
Printing And Design

Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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