How To Drum Up More Business When Trade Shows Are Canceled

‐ June 2, 2020

How To Drum Up More Business When Trade Shows Are Canceled

Recent events have caused a paradigm shift in the marketing and promotional efforts of businesses more than anything in recent years.

If your small business has relied on Trade Shows, Home Shows and other events to drive sales in the door, you are now sitting there and the year is half gone and your dependable moneymaker shows and events have been canceled. What can you do now to drive sales in?

You have to shift the way you acquire new customers. The following are ideas that you can do to drive new customers in.

1. Direct Mail. As long as 100% of people in the US have mailboxes and the USPS delivers mail six days a week, there is not a more dependable and reliable way to reach new customers than Direct Mail Marketing.

The mailing lists we can get today can target ideal buyers to minute details or broadly across general demographics.

There is nothing else you can do marketing-wise that offers as much ability to reach a prospective buyer as direct mail does.

Wilson Print Marketing even has a way for you to combine Google and Facebook to your direct mail campaign to follow-up on interested prospects.

2. Referrals can be a lucrative source of new business for most small businesses. The problem is most businesses do not have a system for soliciting referrals. Referrals sort of just happen. Get on a phone call with your past clients to find out how they are doing or mail them a notecard to touch base with them. In the notecard ask if they have any friends or family that could benefit from your services.

One thing that Wilson Print Marketing can do is use your past clients to hone in on other similar prospects in your area. What we do is take your client list and do what is called a reverse append on that list. We can identify lifestyle details and other similar traits that your existing customers have and then use that information to buy a more targeted mailing list of people who match the profile of your existing customers. Then we help you with a targeted mailing to these people.

3. A website is one of the most overlooked and neglected assets of a small business. The Internet has linked people together and given them access like nothing else in human history. Your website is a digital representation of your company. People search for services on the Internet before they buy. Yet most small businesses have a website that is outdated or that was designed by someone who did not understand how people use the Internet and how to get visitors to convert to a buying customer. There is a technology to it.

4. LeadMatch. One of the programs Wilson Print Marketing offers is a service call LeadMatch. Basically, LeadMatch is like caller-ID for your website. The problem with website traffic is that most of it is largely anonymous.

96% of the people going to the average website will not fill out a form, do not sign up for the free email newsletter, will not call you, and avoid the free download button. Yet they were looking for something and had some sort of interest, otherwise, they would not have been on your website.

Now we can help identify this anonymous web traffic you are getting on your website with LeadMatch. The idea is that you develop a sort of hot prospect list that you can do a follow-up drip marketing to.

The above are just a few ways you can market smarter and get more results.

If you would like more information about how to market your business smarter with any of the points mentioned above, please fill out your company info below with the best contact number to reach you, and one of our Marketing Consultants will give you a call.

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