Types of Brochures for Small Business Marketing

‐ December 24, 2014

Types of Brochures for Small Business Marketing

In today’s fast paced society people still buy on impulse, but generally are more informed than ever before. The Internet has made it easier than ever for people to research companies, products, prices and service history of hundreds of businesses before they buy. What this means to your business is that you definitely need to have a website and some form of Internet marketing, but it also means you need to be prepared to follow-up more often and even better than ever before.

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The modern buying cycle consists of:

  1. The prospect gets an idea that they want or need something. The idea could be caused from a TV or magazine ad, a direct mail postcard they get in the mail, or even a friend referring a product or service.
  2. They now have a mild interest in your company.
  3. They go online and look up your company from the advertising you sent them.
  4. They also look for other companies who might sell the same thing.
  5. They call or send you an email wanting more information or prices. (They also call or email your competitors.)
  6. You either have something to send them or you don’t. (You can assume that your competition is going to send them something that looks nice.)
  7. The prospect will decide usually based on a feeling more than a logical reason as to which company they are going to buy from.

Having a professionally designed brochure can be the make-or-break part of the sales cycle. Knowing what type of brochure you need in order to promote your products and services is critical to turning your prospects into paying customers (and also saving you money on printing costs).

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The Leave Behind Brochure

This type of brochure is designed to be left behind after meeting a potential customer. This brochure’s content has informationVet Brochure Sample about your company and product and might contain success stories from other customers you have serviced. You will want to include the reasons why your company is the best choice and the benefits of doing business with your company. Generally the leave behind brochure is a broad-brush stroke of your business and products by design. You want the content and design to pull the buyer into the buying cycle.

The leave behind brochure is generally used for the prospect that is mildly interested. They are also good handouts for trade shows and other high traffic areas where you can hand out brochures to hundreds of people at a time. The leave behind brochure’s print and paper quality will be the least expensive because the intention is to pass them out like tissue paper.

The Point-of-Sale Brochure
The point-of-sale brochure is designed to cross sell different products and services you offer. Banks and financial institutions have brought the concept of point-of-sale brochure to a highly effective state. When you walk into a bank, you will see various well-placed racks with an assortment of brochures promoting specific financial services that bank offers.

Optometry/Ophthalmology Brochure Sample

The idea is that you have the person already in your store and they may have previously purchased or used your product or service. The logic is since they have already bought from you, they are also potential buyers for other products or services you offer. This type of brochure should be called the up-sell brochure because that is exactly what they are designed to do. The point-of-sale brochure will help you to maximize sales from your current customers.

The point-of-sale brochure is designed to attract attention and create interest from prospects and current customers. They can be built around presenting a problem and demonstrating your solutions to that problem the customer may have. Your goal is to generate curiosity in the prospect so the pick up the brochure to read about it.

Brochure Self-Mailers

This type of brochure is designed to mail without an envelope. It can be the same as leave behind or point-of-sale brochure, but the self-mailer brochure is designed to be mailed.

You may consider that you can use your website as a type of brochure and save money on printing costs. This is true to a certain extent. After all, your website is a kind of brochure and depending on your level of web expertise it might work for you. The challenge is the amount of competition that is on the Internet. It can be easy for your company to get lost in the competition clutter.

In order to grow your business, you need to get hundreds of people calling or walking into your business. Sending them a printed brochure by mail allows your company to stand out from your competition and pull the prospects attention away from competing products. A well designed and printed, full color brochure will allow you to sell more of what you sell because you are putting something real in there hands to help them make the buying decision.

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There is the belief that people tend to lie on the Internet and do not trust what they find as much as something that is printed, real and directly in their hands. If you have a sales team making calls to prospective customers, printed brochures and sales materials are a vital necessity to your business.

Printing full color brochures is not very expensive to do in this day and age. Our graphic designers at Wilson Printing USA can help you design the type of brochure you need to expand and grow your business.

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  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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