Are You Being Out Gunned By Your Competition’s Marketing Brochures and Booklets?

‐ August 14, 2016

Today everyone in business feels the competitive pressures no matter what industry they are in.  What are your marketing materials saying about your business; are they conveying that your business unprofessional or do they give the impression that you are professional and know what you are doing?

Need Help With A Brochure or Booklet? Click Here!

Due to the economic pressures often the your prospects buying decision comes down to who can sell it the cheapest. When you have a sales conversation with a prospect based solely on price, there is a basic outness on your marketing basics. The outness is that many small businesses simply do not promote themselves well. They promote price. They promote product, but they don’t sell themselves. The consumer faced with only price options often goes with the cheapest provider or the provider who can justify their higher price.

Update your Marketing Materials Now

What is the best way to promote your quality, your service, your backing of the product or service you provide? You do that with printed marketing collateral materials like booklets, brochures and product catalogs.

Creating a marketing booklet, brochure or product catalog for your business can seem to be daunting project. Most business who need marketing booklets, brochures or product catalogs often never get around to it or give up somewhere in the middle of the project. In the day-to-day rush and hurry of running a small business, creating marketing materials for a small business can be an intimidating task.

What is the easiest way to create marketing booklets, brochures or product catalogs for your business? The answer is to break the project down into confrontable gradients. You might need a couple mini booklets that address a specific market segment you service instead of a large catalog with everything you sell or do in it. The mini booklets are less expensive to design and print and can be targeted with ninja-like precision to exact consumer needs and wants.

Break the catalog project down to product types or types of customer needs. Work the catalog project as a project, one section at a time. By teaming up with a good graphic artist to help pull all the elements together turning it into something you will be proud of.

Today, it is usually not necessary to put everything you offer into one catalog. For example we recently created a catalog for a home improvement company, instead of putting everything he did in one catalog we broke it down into smaller subsections; bathroom and kitchen remodeling was one catalog, the windows and doors installation was another catalog and roofing and siding in another catalog.

You may be provided with marketing materials from your manufacturers. These booklets and catalogs are usually nicely done and inexpensive.

The problem with using a manufacturer’s provided marketing materials is that your competition is using the exact same materials. The catalogs and brochures provided by your manufacturers do nothing to brand your business or to separate you from your competition.

[box type=”info”] IMPORTANT: If your business is seen the same as your competition then your service becomes a commodity and price becomes the determining factor in your prospects buying decision. Customized marketing materials are how you separate your business from your competition and how you begin to move the conversation away from price being the sole determining factor.[/box]

To succeed in a highly competitive market place, you first have to stand out from your competition. You must promote uniqueness to separate yourself.

We can use elements from your manufacturer provided marketing materials and flavor it with your brand, creating something that reflects your business.

Having a custom catalogs and their cousin product booklets and brochures will help you close more sales. The bigger the ticket item, the more vital it is to have a custom product catalogs, brochures and booklets.

Look at it as an investment; you have invested your time, energy and marketing money to be able to get in front of an interested prospect. Now that you have the prospect, increase your chances of making a sale by handing the them materials that reflect and sell your business.

What do you use to present your products and services? Are you handing the prospect something you designed yourself in Microsoft Word, which is hard to read and looks a little rough? What leave behinds is your competition using? Do your materials look better or worse than your competition?

When a prospect looks at your marketing materials do they feel confident in your business or feel you may be a little sketchy. Do something about it! You can look more professional than your competition.

Consumers today want value and security. The more professional your printed marketing materials look, the more confidence people will have in your business and the more secure they will be in choosing your company.

Is it time you updated your materials? We can help you.

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