The Fortune is in The Website Follow-Up

‐ September 3, 2024

The purpose of marketing is to generate interest in and to get a response for a product or service.

Most small businesses, whether they realize it or not. are pretty good at generating interest but not so good at generating a response. A response is defined as a phone call or visit from an interested prospect.

Why is this? The simplest reason for the phone not ringing is a lack of “follow-up”.

While shopping patterns and habits have changed over the years, the marketing mindset of most business owners and marketers has not changed.

Twenty years ago people got their questions answered by direct contact, meaning if a person saw a piece of advertising and had an interest they picked up the phone or walked in the store to get more information and their questions answered in person.  

Today people get their questions answered by indirect casual means – they Google the company, scan a QR code, or do a quick search online.  With the Internet, you have many competitors, many of whom are bigger and better funded than you.

Therein lies your problem because at best when they go online, they end up on your website, but most do not fill out a form or call your business. Usually, they go to the next competitor that appeared on the search and so on down the list. As soon as they leave your website, they forget about you (out of sight out of mind).

The important thing to remember is that if someone is on your website they have an interest in what you sell and are shopping and researching, period. There is no other reason for someone to be on your website.

Your most interested prospects go to your website first. The vast majority of these visitors to your website are lost because there is no way to follow up. They are anonymous. The biggest marketing problem you have is that you do not have a follow-up system for your website.

How important this is?

For example, you got 1000 visitors to your website last month.

  • Let’s throw out 70% of that number as junk traffic. So that is about 300 net quality potential new customers that were on your website.

For this example, let’s say your average new customer is worth $1000 a year in sales and the average new customer stays with you for 3 years. So, the lifetime value of your average new customer is worth $3000.

This means that on an average month, $900,000 in potential business would be slipping through your fingers because you did not have a follow-up system for your website.

Do the math for your own situation. It’s probably an astounding amount of potential new business you are losing each month.

In most cases, when you think your advertising failed because it didn’t generate immediate calls or business, the truth is, it

actually worked. The real issue is a lack of website follow-up on the interest your advertising sparked. Effective website follow-up is the missing piece in your marketing puzzle.

You know one thing about people who go to your website. THEY ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU ARE SELLING AND ARE SHOPPING FOR WHAT YOU SELL.

Visitor Match & Mail© automatically mails a follow-up direct mail postcard to visitors on your website – no form fill-out required.

Visitor Match & Mail© is the follow-up system for your website and the path to your fortune.

Your fortune is waiting.

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  • Postcard Printing
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  • Flyers
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  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
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