Why Should I Market If My Dental Practice Is Already Busy?

‐ June 11, 2015

Two words, patient attrition. You may be busy today, but a minimum of 15% – 20% of your current patients will not be with you in 12 months due to no fault of yours. Patients will move out of your marketing area; patients change jobs and find a dentist closer to where they work; patients will even die; patients will get lured to another dental office. Not to mention, patients you lose due to an employee who is having a bad day and forgot their manners at the doorstep.

Why Should I Market If My Dental Practice Is Already Busy?

To stay ahead of patient attrition you have to think in futures. It is not as much about the patients you are treating today, as it is about the patients you will be seeing in the future.

You have to have in place an external new patient marketing program that will keep your practice ahead of the natural patient attrition, regardless of how busy you are today. Our automated new patient program is affordable, targets your best patient prospects, customized to your practice and is completely turnkey.

One of the biggest reasons that patients leave your practice is because you didn’t stay in touch with them between visits and to give them a reason to stay loyal to you. A good internal relationship-marketing program, like a newsletter, helps to maintain the relationship between visits. Also having an effective patient recall program will help you to hang on to patients. Once again, Wilson Printing USA has developed effective internal relationship marketing programs, such as turnkey dental newsletters and patient recall mailers, which will help you hang on to your existing patients.

A new patient program combined with an existing patient relationship-marketing program will help keep your practice from eroding out from under you—doing damage that you may not notice for a year or two, and possibly too late to get the momentum back.

Whether you realize it or not, your practice is standing in quicksand, it may be really thick quicksand that takes time for you to feel that you are sinking or it may be really soupy quicksand where you know instantly that you are sinking. Either way, we have the turnkey programs that provide a strong foundation to grow your dental practice on.

Can we help you? Call us and we will show you the programs we have.

Click Here For New Patient Program Pricing

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