Effective Program to Increase Fall Sales

‐ November 20, 2017

Effective Program to Increase Fall Sales


The holidays come and go each year and things seem to get a little more hectic and confused. More often than not, political correctness creeps in on the season and causes confusion. What I want to talk to you about is a way you can cause double-digit growth for your business in a very short period of time.

I know there seems like there is so much going on, so why bother, people aren’t paying attention to anyway, right? Well, the holidays offer a unique time for you to cut through the clutter and get noticed.

In the fall you have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and don’t forget New Year’s. All these holidays present a great opportunity for an increased response for direct mail.

Mailing Thanksgiving or fall cards and/or Christmas cards is a way for you to cut through the clutter. You are going with the flow of the season to get noticed and improve your sales.

The fact is that everyone, including Scrooge, opens a Christmas or holiday card and many people tape the cards on a wall. By including a 3 x 5 insert card with a special promotional offer, gives the recipient a reason to call you and buy something.

We have helped many businesses with this type of program. I had a Chiropractor and a Dentist use the Holiday Mailer as a Patient Reactivation program very successfully.

Just about any business can benefit from the holiday card mailer. Why does it work? Three reasons:

  1. The mailing is targeted.
  2. Holiday Cards have a very high open-rate.
  3. The insert coupon card drives traffic and sales to your business.

We have a turn-key program that allows you to simply pick the theme of the card, the verse inside the card and give us a special to create the insert card around.

We have had reports of December and January sales being the highest ever from businesses participating in the program.

If you would like samples sent to you, click here or call us at 727-536-4173.

Mark Hale


High Quality
Printing And Design

Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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