How Often Should You Do Mailings? When is it too much?

‐ November 11, 2013

Boy BeggingEvery parent has experienced at one time or another…. Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, can I have some bubble gum?? Can I, Can I, Can I, Can I? Please, Please, Please, Please! I’ll be good for a whole year. I promise. Just give me a dollar. I won’t ask again for a long time. Pleaseeeeee!

Boost Direct Mail Response Rates By 40% – 50%, Find Out More Here!

Repetition sells. The more often a request is repeated the more effective it is. Children seem to naturally understand this basic law of marketing. Regular, consistent mailings to a targeted mailing list are the best way to create big and regular results. When you send out direct mail every 30 days for a year you will cause a dramatic growth in your business.

If you are not a parent, I’m sure you remember asking, even begging, for a toy, a treat or permission to stay up past your bedtime, until your parents finally gave in. Your customers and prospective customers are similar. They need to be asked repeatedly too.

Who You Should Ask For Business & How Often Should You Mail to Them?

You should be asking 3 groups of people to do one of 3 things:

1. The first group is your existing customers – you should be asking your existing customers repeatedly to contact you about some offer you make to them for your products and services.

Newsletters are a great way to stay in front of existing customers. Newsletters allow you to promote services and products. Designed like a magazine, a newsletter gets read and is very effective in marketing to existing customers. A post card mailer can also be an effective means to present a special promotion.

2. The second group is your house prospect list (prospects you have caused to inquire about your products and/or services through your own marketing efforts).

This group of people is interested in your service but hasn’t made the decision to go for it yet. They will be the most likely to respond to a special when you offer it to them.

Need Help With A Direct Mail Campaign? Click Here For Pricing!

3. The third group of people is suspects, people you suspect can reasonably be expected to be interested in your products and/or services, but who have never purchased anything from you and have never inquired about your products and/or services either.

The likely reason they haven’t contacted you is that they don’t know that you even exist.

Become known to them with a targeted direct mail program and give them a reason to call and do business with you. This is about as difficult as it is. Get a list, make and offer, ask for the business, ask for the business again, ask for the business again and ask for the business again.

Click Here To Have Free Samples Mailed To You!

Consistent repetition sells. Next time you see a child in a store asking their parents to buy them something, realize your customers and prospect are the same.

Wilson Printing creates targeted direct mail programs. We have a wide variety of programs from full-color post cards, tri-fold self mailers, sales letters, special thank you note mailers to check mailers. We have the programs that will get you noticed.

Mark Hale


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Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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