Keeping in Touch With Your Customers, Newsletters Help Keep The Sales Rolling In
Mark Hale ‐ March 11, 2016
Part of the challenge of getting repeat sales from your existing customers is staying in front of them on a regular basis – without being to salesy and pushy. There are several things at your disposal today that will help you stay in front of your customers. What is the best way? That really depends on your business, but one marketing tool that works for almost every business type are newsletters.
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Newsletters are a great way to stay in front of your customers, to establish credibility and to cross promotes products to your customers without being a pest. People today want information, but also want to be entertained.
To make pulling together your company newsletter easier for you, start out with the proper prospective by considering that your newsletter is your company’s mini magazine. Magazines entertain, educate, inform and sell products and services.
Usually it is better to hire a company to design, print and mail your newsletter. If you want to DIY the design and mailing of your newsletter, the following are a few tips to help you:
- Start with the idea that the purpose of your business’s newsletter is to entertain and then sell your customers. Dedicate no more than 25% to 30% of your newsletter to advertising your products and services, to do otherwise, people simply will not read it.
- Today it is fairly easy to get content for the entertainment content of your newsletter. Some topics could include travel and entertainment news. Depending on how much you know about your customers you can target your articles on the interests of your customers.
- Avoid using specific words and terms of your industry. It is easy to assume that your customers know what the big words of your industry mean, but most will not. Using big and unfamiliar industry terminology will ensure that your newsletter will end up in the trash.
- Include ads for products or services. Your newsletter is your company magazine and it is ok to have ads promoting particular services. Use all the rules of an effective ad to create a hard-hitting advertisement that will sell your products.
- Invite participation by including an “Ask an Expert” section where readers can submit questions and then an industry expert will provide an answer in an open forum for all to see in your newsletters.
- Create an archive section on your website that makes all previous newsletter issues available to online visitors.
- Always mail a printed newsletter. Sure you can email a newsletter, but email is not intrusive and there are too many obstacles and spam filters to getting your newsletter read in an email. It is relatively in expense to design, print and mail your company newsletter and the return is far greater.
Need Help With a Custom Newsletter of Your Own?
Please give us a call at 727-536-4173 or fill out the below form and one of our Marketing Consultants will contact you shortly. (note: we will never sell or distribute your information)
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