Keep in Touch with Direct Mail Postcards

‐ July 22, 2014

Happy People using direct mail postcards

Your best source of increased sales is from your current customers. The people most likely to purchase your products and/or services are the ones who have paid for them before. They know you. They were happy with their last purchase and you got to bypass that whole “get to know you” step you typically go through with new prospects.

Combine Google & Social Media With Your Postcard Mailer, Learn More!

It also costs you far less money to keep a customer than it does to go out and get a new one. The above are the main two reasons that using postcards to keep in touch with your customer database is a must.

The following are tips to help you get the most out of your direct mail postcards marketing program for existing clients.

Rule #1: Make sure you get all your customer’s data.

It sounds like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at how many businesses do not collect the most basic information from their customers. The more basic rule here is that the more information you have on your customers, the easier it is to market to them. There was a book written by Harvey Mackay who ran a large business envelope manufacturing company. Harvey had what he called the Mackay 66, which basically was 66 pieces of information that they had collected on all their customers.

Rule #2: Don’t treat your customers like prospects.

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A customer is different from a prospect and a suspect is different from a prospect. Differentiate between people who have placed an order in the past and people who have not.

It is bad PR to send a customer who has placed a few orders a “10% Discount for First Time Buyers” postcard. It makes you look like you do not know what is going on in your own business. Customers will feel unappreciated. Bottom line, if they don’t qualify for an offer you are sending out, do not send it to them.

Check Out Our Postcard Samples!

Rule #3: Don’t let your designs get old and stale.

When you are mailing to databases of people that you have never spoken to before it is OK to send them the same postcard multiple times, repetition sells.

Repetitious mailings will help to increase recognition, making people aware of your business and it will eventually increase your response rates too. However, in dealing with customers and prospects that you have already spoken to, you should mix things up a bit. The first rule of marketing is to get noticed so you want your postcard mailer to get attention and also be informative.

If the promotional mailers that you send to your database get too repetitive, your customers will lose interest and at that point you are just wasting your money on postage because your postcards will not get the attention that you want them to.

It is a dog-eat-dog competitive market place out there and just being great at what you do is not always enough to keep the customers that you have already earned. You have to find ways to constantly remind your customers that you are the best at what you do. Direct mail postcards are the best way to give them that reminder. We have other tools you can employ to stay in front of your customers as well.

Click Here for Pricing on Postcards!

Personalize everything that you can and make sure that what you are sending to a past client actually pertains to them or their company. There are several unique direct mail programs we offer that are personalized and attention getting. If you would like samples or more information on these unique direct mail programs please contact us.

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Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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