Marketing for Dentists – Attract Quality New Patients for Your Practice

‐ June 12, 2014

Marketing for Dentists - Attract Quality New Patients for Your Practice

How to attract quality new patients to your dental practice.

Is your practice thriving as much as you would like? Dentists everywhere can thrive in private practice if they have systems in place to attract qualified new patients.

We work with a lot of dentists across the country and found that most every practice has one problem. The problem is finding an affordable way to reach qualified new patients.

Combine Google & Social Media With Your Postcard Mailer, Learn More!

Most of the time, the doctor is busy seeing and treating patients and is too busy to do much marketing. The task of marketing is often delegated to an office manager whose expertise is in handling people and running an office, not in marketing. The practice experiences sales peeks with large valleys during the course of the year.

However, every private practitioner who knows how to attract quality new patients (people who want to keep their teeth and are willing to pay for it) to their practice will do so.

Click Here for Pricing on a New Patient Program 

There are four things you can do to attract quality new patients to your dental practice:

1. Start and maintain an on going direct mail program. Direct mail allows you to target quality patients that are in your immediate area. Postcards work very well for most dental offices because they put something directly in the hands of prospective patients. Wilson Printing USA works with dental offices across the country designing effective direct mail programs for their practice.

We also have programs that can help you get the postage on your direct mail down to .17 – .19 cents per postcard, so this is not an overly expensive program. All of our programs are turn key and effective.

Click Here To See Dental Marketing Samples

2. Create a turnkey referral program. If you do not already have one, get a Care Enough to Share referral program. We have a turnkey Care to Share referral program complete with referral cards to hand your patients, training materials to train your receptionists and office staff, and posters for your reception area.

3. Newsletter mailer to stay in front of existing patients. A newsletter goes to your existing patients and should be mailed at least every other month. The newsletter allows you to educate your current patients about services they should consider and is a way to stay in front of your current patients.

4. A quality control program. Every dental practice should have a person whose job is to call and follow up with patients after they receive care. I saw one of the dentists in our area almost see her practice completely destroyed by a rude and discourteous receptionist. The practice administrator, who also happened to be best friends with this rude receptionist, discovered the problem and it was handled immediately. A quality control manager would make follow up calls and survey patients about their experience to make sure this scenario never happens.

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