Old School Business Tool Builds Faster & Better Customer Relationships

‐ December 3, 2015

Have you noticed that everyone is in a hurry these days? People are always looking for shortcuts and an instant means to gratification. The other day, I sat through a webinar about how to email market. The entire focus of the webinar was how to get through to people and get them to respond to email marketing. Email marketing seems to be easy, and is definitely an inexpensive way to market a small business. The question is, does it work for you? Do your emails get read, blocked or deleted?

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Your customers and prospects are inundated with electronic and digital marketing. The truth is, if your email gets through the spam filters most of the time they are skimmed, if read at all. The more personal your email, the better the chance the person will read it and respond. The key to effective marketing today is personalization. The more personal your message is and the more personal the way your communication is delivered, the more response you will get.

Old School Business Tool Builds Faster & Better Customer Relationships

If you want to get through the clutter and directly to your prospects and customers in a more personal way you should consider adding an old school technology to your marketing arsenal. Few things are more personal, simpler and more effective than a printed note card with a personal message from you mailed with your business card to a prospect. I know you are busy and high-tech digital marketing may seem faster and easier, but is not always a more effective means of marketing for business. The goal is to be fast, but you also need your marketing to be effective.

Here are a few creative ideas to help you build relationships with your customers and prospects using custom printed personal note cards for business:

  • Thank you cards are the most basic form of note cards. Designing the cards with your picture on the inside helps your customers put a face with the name and increases the personalization of the thank you.
  • Use themed note cards to remind prospects and customers of an upcoming sale. Also, sending holiday themed cards for Christmas, News Years, Valentine’s Days, Mothers/Fathers Day can be very effective.
  • Include a small promotional insert card inside the note card. A customized offer for their next purchase can help in getting repeat business.
  • Send a note as a friendly reorder reminder, prompt to order additional supplies before items run out.
  • Great tool for your sales people to get around the gatekeeper and get to the decision maker. Today, most calls are heavily screened; even email is screened and filtered. It can be difficult to get to the decision maker. A note card often gets by screeners because it looks personal.
  • Sales people can reach more prospects by making a phone call, sending an email and then sending a personal note card than anything else they do. It is this one-two-three punch that will get you noticed over all your competition.

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  • Build customer relationships by reaching out to customers on anniversaries, birthdays or holidays with a printed note card. Almost no one does this anymore.
  • Insert into your note card a small tech sheet that provide knowledgeable tips, tricks, and other relevant industry information that will create a want for your products or services.
  • Realtors can get new listings by mailing custom thank you notes to prospect that came to the open houses.
  • Send a personalized note card to introduce yourself and your business. Sending a note card of this type is a great way to get around the blocks and screens in a business and get through to a decision maker.
  • For executives, nothing boost moral like a personal note from the boss. Every chief executive of a business should make it a practice to notice things going right and the people responsible for making it go right by sending a personal note card.
  • For dentist, chiropractors and other medical professionals create a “we’ve missed you” personalized note card campaign to help reactivate old customer relationships and boost sales.
  • Create a custom full color envelope for your note cards. Full color envelopes add an element of fun to your piece. The price for full color envelops for business application have come way down in the last few years.

It was once said by the well know sales trainer Zig Ziglar that, “there are no traffic jams on the extra mile.” By doing the things your competition is too busy or too lazy to do, you can position your business in the winning position. Best of all, having a custom note card and matching envelope printed for your business is inexpensive. If we can help you, please let us know.

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  • Flyers
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  • Customer Thank You Cards
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