The Marketing One-Two Punch for Small Businesses—Handwritten Note Card Mailers

‐ March 23, 2015

Handwritten Note Card MailersThis morning I had 200 emails in my inbox and 180 of them had nothing to do with business. As you may have noticed we are a heavily advertised to society. Most of the marketing that is sent out by most businesses is electronic (aka paperless), which is ignored. As a result, it is getting more and more difficult to cut through the clutter and get a response.

A growing number of businesses are experiencing problems in getting their message to prospects and customers. The amount of Internet advertising traffic, flashing banners, competitive websites and spam emails is just plain noise! This makes it difficult for interested prospects to find you. The amount of noise on the Internet makes the main drag in Las Vegas look like small town USA. I am not suggesting that you do not advertised on the web. What I am saying is the web is part of your answer, not the total answer.

Combine Google & Social Media With Your Postcard Mailer, Learn More!

The question is, how do you cut through the advertising clutter and get noticed?

The solution is to market in a way your competitors are not. That way is to include a Note Card Mailer in your mix. A Note Card Mailer gets noticed and gets a response.

The Note Card Mailers we create for our clients have a handwritten note with a 3 x 5 insert card enclosed within the mailer.

The card comes in the mail and it does not look like junk mail—it looks like and invitation or personal note from a friend—so the card gets opened and read. The secret weapon with this mailer is the insert card, which drops out of the mailer and gets read as well. It is very effective at getting the attention of your prospects or customers.

Note Card Mailers bypass all the competition on the Internet and goes directly into the hands of your prospects.

Looking for Pricing on a Note Card Mailer? Click Here

What Do I Say in a Note Card Mailer?

It is important that the message is personal and directed to a need. For example an insurance company did a message like this.

The note card sets the mood and plants a seed that maybe they should look at their current coverage. The insert card would be used to deliver the product information. The handwritten Note Card Mailer is a very effective direct mail piece. The insert card would be designed much like a mini postcard, including all the elements like strong headline, special offer and a call-to-action.

What Types of Businesses Would a Note Card mailer Be Effective For?

  • B-2-B Marketing: Any business that markets to other businesses. Note Card Mailers are very effective at getting around the gatekeeper and into the hands of the decision maker.
  • HVAC Marketing: to sell new AC Units or to sell maintenance agreements.
  • New Car Sales: market to customers who bought a car three or more years ago. You already have a relationship, you just need to get through. Also very effective for marketing the service department.
  • Dental Practice New Patient Marketing: few things are as effective as a hand written note from the doctor to get new patients to arrive.
  • Chiropractors: This mailer is very effective at reactivating former patients.
  • Plumbing and Home Service Business: Much the same as the HVAC. Personal Note Card Mailers cut through the clutter and get the attention of the homeowner.
  • Home Remodeling Business: Note Card Mailers allow you to promote specific products to specific customers.
  • Insurance Agencies. Nothing is more effective than a handwritten note from your agent.
  • Pest Control. Cuts through clutter and delivers a reason for prospect to call. Also is a great recovery tool to mail to former clients.

These are just a few of the business types that have benefited from this type of direct mail piece.

If you are looking for a way to cut through the marketing clutter and generate results for your business you should call us about a handwritten Note Card Mailer. They work.

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Our Services

  • Postcard Printing
  • Business Brochures
  • Booklet Printing
  • Flyers
  • Signs and Banners
  • Customer Thank You Cards
  • Websites
  • Custom Pocket Folders

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