Employee & Supply Chain Problems: Problem & Solutions, Part 2

‐ February 24, 2022

A few years ago I wrote an article that turned out to be one of our most viewed and read titles, Problems and Solutions.  The business environment in the last couple of years has changed and is fluid, to say the least, and there are a new set of problems we have not faced for a while.

Today we are dealing with labor shortages, supply chain issues, and price increases AKA inflation. Most businesses I talk to say business is very good. They have lots of demand but need more people, supply is tight and everything is getting expensive.

growing your business during supply chain problems

Problem 1: Staff Shortages

“I need more people.” “I can’t find anyone who wants to work”  “I am concerned about being able to deliver what I have sold now.”

Sound familiar?

This problem is really a money problem. If you have the cash to pay you can find top people.

You do not want to spend money on promoting your business because you worry you will not be able to deliver. The solution is getting more and better new customers.

Solution: Promote – don’t ever stop. Two things happen when you continue your company promotion.

  1. You have more customers coming in which means you can be more selective about who you work with.
  2. Being able to focus on your most profitable and easy-to-work with new customers solves a lot of headaches. Your cash situation will improve and you can afford to pay more for good people.

Problem 2: Supply Chain

“We are having trouble getting materials or products to sell we can’t handle any more business.” I hear you on this. This is very real right now.

Solution: You can’t give up. You have to promote and keep the flow of new customers coming in. If you go into agreement with the 24/7 news cycles of “bad news” you will want to pull back and conserve.

To conserve is the first step on the path of closing your business’s doors forever. Why? Because when a business conserves it starts contracting, getting less and less able to control its own destiny.

The solution to almost all of your problems as a business owner is to promote because it increases your size and scope and your ability to overcome any problem.

The answer to most of your business’s problems is promotion.

Your business is either improving or getting worse, even if it is by a little at a time. There is no such thing as coasting…you only coast when you are going downhill.

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