How to Effectively Use Newsletters
Mark Hale ‐ June 12, 2014
Newsletters have become a great way for businesses to spread information, tell their story, solidify customer loyalty, and increase sales. When correctly done, a newsletter generates customer retention and increases sales.
Newsletters can seem like a lot of work, and its true, they can be a lot of work—if you don’t know what you are doing. Does that mean you should not send out a newsletter? No, it means you should get help creating and mailing your newsletter.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind while designing your company newsletter:
- Content is important. Successful newsletters provide interesting content for their readers in addition to product information from the newsletter provider. An important note here is to be careful not to error in providing too much technical or product information. The newsletter needs to have an element of entertainment that is dispersed with product information and specials. Think of a newsletter as being a mini magazine for your business.
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- Color draws the eye. Use multiple colors of ink to draw attention to important articles and information. Two-color newsletters are very effective, and full-color newsletters are gaining popularity.
- Pull quotes to create interest. Quotes create interest and increase the likelihood that an article will be read. These quotes are taken directly from the article and focus on the interesting key points.
- Highlight your customer success stories. Newsletters are a great way to highlight your good service. Use them as seasoning.
- Good design provides more room for copy. A well-planned and designed newsletter can contain 20% to 30% more content than a casually designed newsletter. Seeking advice from professional graphic artists is often a good idea.
- Good back-page design is important. An estimated 15% of readers start reading at the back page of a newsletter and work their way to the front page.
Usually it is best to have a professional graphic designer design a template for you. We can help you design a theme for your newsletter that will identify with your business.
Once you have the theme, we simply plug in the new information for each issue. Having a template makes it easier to keep a consistent look. Our graphic designers can usually design a professional newsletter template in a few hours that will match the feeling and tone of your company.
Newsletters are an effective tool for drip marketing and are a fun way to stay in front of your customers or prospects.
If you would like to look at getting a newsletter done for your company, give us a call. We would like to help you.
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